This tool includes 4 different activation methods
KMS Inject, Digital, KMS 2038 and Online activations. While this script is being created, abbodi1406's script is referenced.
Many thanks to him
Some security programs will report infected files, which is a false positive due to KMS emulation. NOTE: Windivert and Digital activation methods are virus-free.
$OEM$ Activation About: 3 methods also support $OEM$ activation
If using these tools, remove any other KMS solutions and temporarily disable AV security protection. To pre-activate the system during installation, copy the $OEM$ folder to the "sources" folder on the installation media (iso/usb).
The $OEM$ activation method also enables the KMS task scheduling system during installation
(except Digital Activation method and KMS2038) SUPPORTED MICROSOFT PRODUCTS: * Windows 7 (VL) / 8 / 8.1 / 10 * Windows Server 2008 R2 / 2012 / 2012 R2 / 2016 / 2019 * Office 2010 / 2013 / 2016 / 2019 (VL) UNSUPPORTED MICROSOFT PRODUCTS: * Office Retail (Supported Volume License certificates if installed) * Windows 7 (Starter, HomeBasic, HomePremium, Ultimate) * Windows 10 (Cloud S, Professional Single Language) * Windows Server (Server Foundation, Storage Server, Home Server 2011) What's New: - In the KMS Inject method, license certificates can now be installed without requiring cleanospp.exe. Clean.ps1 GitHub - Digital and KMS 2038 methods can now be activated without the need for slc and gatherosstate.exe files, universal tickets for activation.
Instructions are provided in the Virus Total file links -